Sunday, June 5, 2011

Deeds of Dapper Derring-do

I haven't committed enough of these lately.  I would like to be able to get my groove going, dress up in all my finery, and take on the town.  There are, however, two problems with this.

1.  I'm out of finery.
2.  I'm dead broke.

Which means that I have two options available to me.  Wear what I have and do it anyway, or become rich and purchase a whole new wardrobe.  Come to think of it, I could do both.  It'll take awhile for my new clothes to be properly tailored anyway.  These Parisian fashion designers just take for-EVER.

In any event, having no money sucks.  Working at the hotel as a front desk drudge will never make anybody rich (hell, it won't even pay the bills NOW) so it is up to me to find a way to make some money.  The best way to do that is to put the intention out in the universe that I need a way to make enough to support myself, put some aside in savings, and maybe have a little extra for a vacation now and then.  If I just happen to end up doing something that makes me happy and gives me more money than I need, well that's just a bonus and I will gladly donate to charity an extra million or two.  So now all I have to do is put the idea out there and the tools and environment to succeed in this will come to me eventually.  Because really, if I don't say anything about it how is the great cosmos going to know?  Ok, ready?  Here we go. 

Me:  "Universe?"  *ahem*  "I would like to make lots of money under the above stipulations.  Any help triggering these events would be appreciated.  Thank you."

(Cricket who has been stalking me for the last four days throws itself up against the bookshelf in a blindingly stupid attempt to escape.)

All right things are in motion, I feel better now.  I shall continue to work on the book I am writing and hopefully by the time I am done with it, some lovely publisher will already have read my most excellent blog and offer me a contract for rights to it.  It's a really good book.  Really. 

In other news, I will be having assistance in keeping the roof over my head soon due to having two new roommates move in within the month.  I'm looking forward to having peeps in the house again on a full time basis as well as assistance with rent and such.  Aside from most awesome roommates, the latest addition to the cotillion is the adoption of a local pirate wench (brought as a housewarming gift).  Morghan has been keeping me entertained and serves an excellent rum punch.

More to come as events develop, I shall endeavor to update the blog more often.  Hurricane season is here and I have yet to supply myself with suitable emergency tools and rations.  Next on the list:  Zombie Apocalypse supplies.      


  1. Are you there, God(s)? It's me, Margare-uh, Heather.

  2. You are too funny. I vaguely remember reading that book when I was 10. Couldn't tell you what it was about aside from being the contents of a girl's diary.
