Friday, September 2, 2011

Foul Winds and Decadence

It's Labor Day weekend and around these parts that means four days of homer-sexual debauchery in the French Quarter.  Thousands upon thousands of gay men (and for women, the smaller festival of Dykeadence) flood the 'hood for parties, drunkenness, and sex sex sex.  

This year, however, may end up a bit more sparse due to Tropical Storm Lee coming through.  I personally am extremely thankful for the rains it's brought.  Not only has it cooled things down to a more than tolerable 81 degrees, but it put out the remainder of this week's swamp fire.  Lightning struck out in the marshes at the beginning of the week and it was left to burn itself out; much to the chagrin of everyone in a 30 mile radius that had to breathe the acrid smoke.  It was so bad that I woke up out of a dream that the house was on fire at the start of it.  No worries, the house is fine but the ozone stank to high heaven all week.

As the temp agency STILL hasn't gotten me working (but says the job is still on at last correspondence) today we took advantage of the dreary weather and went fishing and crabbing in St. Rose.  This taught us two valuable lessons:

1.  Show up early before all the good spots are taken.
2.  Crabs WILL take bacon as bait.

Here's the proof!

This was a small one, barely bigger than a deck of cards.  They get about twice this size, and boy are they yummy!  They're also called Gumbo crabs and are extremely tasty in da soup.  Mmm...gumbo.  But, since we only caught this little one, he went back into the pond.  By the way, since the chicken wire in the back was so rusted it was crumbling, we ended up getting two crab nets at Walmart for $1.97 each that worked just fine.  Now that I have one to reference, I can make my own with some wire coat hangers and cotton thread.  Yay!

Aside from living off the land (such as it is), the other task of the week was revisiting the Parker shoot.  This time it was background work for a parade setting.  Instead of being blown up this time we got to...are you ready for this?  Watch Jason Statham drive around a corner!  Yeah!

Ok, it wasn't quite on the same level of propane explosions but he's still hot.  Yeah, I said it.  Jason Statham.  HAWT.  Watch the horse racing scene in Cranked 2 and tell me he's not.  Actually, the most amusing part of the short shoot was watching the directors' spat in the school bus.  There were a bus load of Boy Scouts that were supposed to come on scene at a certain time and missed their cue.  The director took off his hat (always a bad sign) and issued a stream of blue words visible through the swamp smoke.   The assistant director was standing in the bus doorway between him and the Scout mom, acting as a go-between so she didn't share the wrath.  I'm not sure what was said, but the next thing I see is her take a good smack at the back of the A.D's head!  The main director backed off shortly thereafter.  I wouldn't want to mess with a Scout mom either!

1 comment:

  1. Too right! We scout moms are FORMIDABLE beasties, esp. when it comes to the preservation of our charges' tender ears.
